TA achievements

6. TAs ease administration for library staff

“I think most of our member institutions’ articles are flowing through the system without a human being having to approve one by one.”

Celeste Feather, Senior Director of Content and Scholarly Communication Initiatives, Lyrasis

A streamlined OA workflow is essential for reducing the administrative burden on library teams, particularly when it comes to managing payments and reporting. As both consortia and individual institutions seek to demonstrate the impact of these agreements, efficient administration becomes increasingly critical.

Springer Nature’s suite of administrative tools, including an Article Approval Service, a consortium dashboard, and individualised reporting for libraries, enhances transparency and significantly reduces the need for manual approval of individual payments. Partners can agree certain conditions whereby articles can be automatically approved for coverage under an agreement. As highlighted by our case study interviews, these administrative tools play a crucial role in the successful implementation of TAs.

Benefits of the Springer Nature OA agreement workflow

Graphic summarising Springer Nature's OA agreement workflow. The automated, efficient and reliable identification process reduces administrative tasks for authors and institutions. Article approval can be managed with a convenient dashboard offering rapid publication as a key author service. The enhanced reporting tool also offers reliable article status reports.