OA transition at Springer Nature

44% of our primary research is now published OA

We support authors from 200+ countries to publish open access (OA) in our 600+ fully OA and 2,100+ hybrid journals, including Nature Communications the most cited multidisciplinary open science journal in the world, and Scientific Reports the world’s largest OA journal (by number of articles).

Over 20% increase in downloads for our OA journals and book content

65% of our OA articles published in 2023 were in fully OA journals

5.85 citations per 2022 OA article (hybrid OA + fully OA)4

4 Clarivate 2023 Journal Citation Reports, based on 2022 data and reflective of collective citations across all articles published/ available during 2022.

Leading fully OA journals by downloads in 2023:

  • Scientific Reports
  • Nature Communications
  • BMC Public Health
A black and white headshot of Carrie Webster, Vice President, Open Access

Carrie Webster
Vice President, Open Access

“Around 44% of our primary research articles were published OA in 2023, up from 38% in 2022. This year we hope to reach the 50% OA mark which will be a major milestone for Springer Nature and for mixed-model publishers in general.

We are doing this in several ways, such as growing our fully OA and transitioning our hybrid OA portfolios, as well as through transformative agreements (TAs), which we helped pioneer. We significantly expanded the number of TAs in North America in 2023, and signed our first agreements in several countries and regions, including South Korea, South Africa and Greater China. We also renewed major TAs in Germany and the UK, which tells us that our customers view these types of agreements as providing good value.

To accelerate the next phase of the transition, we’re investing strongly in technology and AI, with a particular focus on making the research process and publishing easier for authors, whilst also ensuring we continue to protect the integrity and trust of research. We are also building our OA teams, especially in China and India, to reflect the growth in research outputs in these countries, and continue to work closely with institutions and funders globally to make the transition affordable, simple and scalable.

We remain committed to growing OA in a responsible, equitable way, and at a pace that ensures our authors and community feel supported, and allows us all to maintain the high standards and impact of our trusted brands.”

Our OA content is consistently used more than that of other publishers

Springer Nature continues to publish the most cited OA articles (5.85 on average in 2022 for hybrid and fully OA) among the top ten largest mixed-model and pure OA publishers.

Top five publishers by hybrid and fully OA citations

No. Publisher Average citation per article
1 Springer Nature
2 Mixed-model publisher
3 Mixed-model publisher
4 Pure OA publisher
5 Pure OA publisher

Source: Dimensions

Our fully OA portfolio has the highest number of total citations among the top 10 largest publishers in fully OA – 5.9 per article published in 2022 (on average) – which is 18% more than our closest mixed-model competitor, and 32% more than our closest pure OA competitor.

Top five publishers by fully OA citations

No. Publisher Average citation per article
1 Springer Nature
2 Mixed-model publisher
3 Mixed-model publisher
4 Pure OA publisher
5 Pure OA publisher

Source: Dimensions

Our journals cover the broadest range of disciplines

Springer Nature’s journal portfolio continues to appear in the highest number of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) categories supporting all researchers with an outlet to publish their work. Over 40 titles received their first impact factor (IF) in 2023, with over 550 journals increasing their IF. Collectively our journals were cited over 15 million times in 2023.

Our journals rank in the top quarter of 199 unique categories, placing as the leading journal in 47 of these.

No. Publisher Number of categories with a journal
1 Springer Nature
2 Mixed-model publisher
3 Mixed-model publisher
4 Mixed-model publisher
5 Mixed-model publisher

Source: Clarivate's Journal Citation Reports 2023

OA books grew strongly in 2023

Our portfolio of OA books grew by 42% between 2022 and 2023 with over 3,100 titles published since the start of the programme in 2012, and 900+ last year.

Downloads of our OA book content increased by over 20% (from 2022) with an average of 30,546 downloads per book in 2023.

Over 20% increase in downloads

30,546 average downloads per book

Source: Counter 5

Open Access at Springer Nature

Ensuring equitable OA

We work to eliminate barriers to creating, discovering and using knowledge

Spotlight on TAs

Springer Nature TAs powered 7x more gold OA articles than via authors choosing to publish OA in 2023, while not being part of a TA

Investing in technology to advance OA

We are committed to investing in technology to provide a streamlined, valuable experience, enabling researchers to advance discovery

Spotlight on integrity

To accelerate the next phase of the transition to OA, we’re investing strongly in technology and AI, with a particular focus on protecting the integrity and trust of research.